User talk:English

Revision as of 19:09, 14 May 2005 by English (Talk | contribs)

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ZDR Shiny Kinky People

Hi, I'm afraid that I've removed your links as I feel that the changes you have made are are advertising a members only group and not improving the article for the benefit of the readers. Sorry. Balzac 14:16, 14 May 2005 (BST)

Hi Balzac...the MMPLibrary is the only site online apart from the Leather Archives that has permission to use Dr Bienvenu`s research (Dr Bienvenu is a member himself) & at present apart from his Dissertation, is the only site online actually illustrating the links within his research(We cover all of his research and beyond...there is a femdom bias at present as we have not yet covered & linked out to the Gay History...however that is already well represented online...we felt it would be better to try & first cover info that either hasn`t been online or is covered scantly) is a free site & like the yahoo groups it links to, contains a vast amount of historical information & photos (for instance I believe that we are the only site online to have an actual photo of John Coutts(willie)). We will also be covering the period from 1971 to present day...the reason for these being in msn & yahoo is that they are free. ( we have a network of over 30 sites...calculate the cost (50mb storage space free on each site x 30) of paying for online space & bandwidth) ... I notice for instance your link to Hunter Rose`s Bishop Paysite...the collection was originally posted online in 2001 in our yahoo groups...Hunter was a mod...he copied the collection & set up his paysite..which is fine...however all the images are viewable for free in the sites we built (unfortunately yahoo deleted them at the end of 2003 & we had to rebuild them), including scans which Hunter doesn`t have, from Mistress Michelle`s extensive B&D Newspaper collection..(BTW Mistress Michelle & Mistress Antoinette were the only Professional Mistresses to have Bishop do a drawing of them) the sites are run by Mistress Michelle Peters & myself. Many of the famous Mistresses, Masters & personalities (Mistress Mir, Mistress Stephanie LOcke, Lenny Waller to mention a few)of the 60`s,70`s,80`s & 90`s American B&D scene are members...Mistress Michelle has a vast amount of History still to`s an ongoing project..come join the Library & check the sites out...I think you will be surprised at the wealth of History & information in them.


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