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Club Decadence

Coprophagia is a variation of scat play involving the eating of shit. The prefix 'copro' refers to shit and 'phagia' refers to swallowing. Thus 'shit-swallowing'.

Scat eating is often associated with either power play or simply sensation seeking. Scat in its own right has both a powerful odour and powerful taboo/social connotations. Either way, this can make it a powerful draw for many edgeplay enthusiasts as well as dedicated fetishists.

Forced scat eating, either physical or psychosocial, is a form of severe power play where it is seen as the most degrading act possible and therefore the most stimulating, particularly for the sub/slave involved. Its very tabooness, dirtiness and difficulty is often the exciting factor. Frequently, scat fetishists are seeking and usually gaining an extreme emotional trigger for stimulation. A scat high in these circumstances is often better than many drugs, at least reported as such.

As a practical matter, eating shit makes you vomit, and persons into scat understand this, are are into it too. They are also into afterward cleanup, with toothbrushes and sodium bicarbonate.

See Also

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