Sub - Personal Experiences

My first gentle intro to all this was when my older boyfriend came round to my place one evening. I made us both a drink and when I brought them in to my room he was sitting down and told me to kneel at his feet. I had never done anything like that before and it felt strange to be told to do it but i did. After a while i felt so warm and safe kneeling there and how right it felt to be there with my head on his knee and his hand stroking my hair as we talked. I didn't want to get up!
We had some lovely times together for a few weeks even though there were times i didn't like being bossed about so much. I have had a bit of a rough time since then because i didn't stay with him but went to someone more my own age who was dominant but never made me feel as good and cared about.
I don't suppose it is for everyone and some of my friends just don't get it but they haven't tried it either. I so miss that lovely safe feeling and being told what to do and made to behave by someone who cares. Being with him was the one time i could really relax.
--Dutiful angel 20:56, 20 Apr 2005 (BST)