Talk:List of munches
Revision as of 18:28, 4 February 2014 by MistressNikki (Talk | contribs)

I was checking out the links, and the last one doesn't seem to work.
I was going to delete it, but I figured I'd wait until I feel more comfortable editing other people's pages. . . -VL
This link was deleted from the page because it's a bad link -VL:
- The Under 35s London Munch - the second-to-last Saturday (start time seems to be 5pm, varies) of each month.
MistressNikki: 04/02/2014 - The Group is gone, but the Munch is still active. Fetlife U35 Munch User Profile - Now on the 2nd Saturday of the month
It's also referenced from, London U35 Homepage with more visible details We can put this back with either of these updated information links?