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Druuna is a popular erotic science fiction and fantasy comic book character created by Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri, featured prominently in Metal Hurlant and Heavy Metal magazines. Druuna is often the main character in Serpieri's works, starring in seven/eight volumes (depending on the country) of the Morbus Gravis series between 1985 and 2003: Morbus Gravis, Morbus Gravis 2: Druuna, Creatura, Carnivora, Mandragora, Aphrodisia, The Forgotten Planet and Clone. The series is noteworthy for featuring perhaps the most realistic-looking and explicit content in terms of both graphic violence and sex in comics. Creatura, in fact, features near-totally explicit sexual penetration, and the three subsequent books feature totally uncensored penetration, but the series returned to a non-explicit depiction of penetration in such scenes with The Forgotten Planet. The main character is also featured in Serpieri's numerous sketchbooks, such as Obsession, Druuna X, Druuna X 2, Croquis, Serpieri Sketchbook, Serpieri Sketchbook 2 and The Sweet Smell of Woman. These books were very successful, selling more than a million copies in twelve languages. Serpieri's depiction of well-endowed heroines like Druuna has earned him the undisputed title of the "Master of the Ass".

Serpieri has styled Druuna to be strikingly beautiful, appearing of Mediterranean descent, with long black hair, tanned skin, and a body that has grown increasingly voluptuous over the course of the stories. In most cases, Druuna's role is that of a willing sexual object, submitting to sexual advances of all kinds with little or no complaint, other than the occasional sad pout, though more than once she has been raped in the stories. She is frequently depicted as sparsely clothed or nude, and Serpieri's high quality renditions of Druuna are often reproduced as poster prints. Serpieri's detailed, sensual and erotically charged depictions of Druuna's rear serve as a useful device for him to express his recurrent interest in depicting sadistic anal sex, a hallmark of the Morbus Gravis series. Most of Druuna's adventures revolve around a post-apocalyptic future, and the plot is often a vehicle for varied scenes of softcore and hard-core pornography and sexual imagery.

The pulchritudinous character has also appeared in the 3D videogame Druuna:Morbus Gravis.

List of books

  • Morbus gravis (1985)
  • Druuna (1987)
  • Creatura (1990)
  • Carnivora (1992)
  • Mandragora (1995)
  • Aphrodisia (1997)
  • The Forgotten Planet (2000)
  • Clone (2003)

External links

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