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Scat is also known as faeces (or fæces), shit and excrement. It is also the common term for those who include excrement as part of their sexual scene; among gay men, the brown handkerchief is well understood as the signal for this.

The word faeces is the plural of the Latin word faex meaning "dregs". It/they are semi-solid waste products from the digestive tract expelled through the anus.

The distinctive odour of feces is due to bacterial action. Bacteria produce compounds such as indole, skatole, and mercaptans, which are rich in sulphur, as well as the inorganic gas hydrogen sulfide. These are the same compounds that are responsible for the odour of flatulence.

Feces can be black if dried blood is present in them from a bleed. More active bleeding can lead feces to be red in colour.

Yellowing of feces can be caused by an infection known as giardia. Giardia are tiny parasitic organisms. If giardia infects the intestines it can cause severe yellow diarrhoea. This is a dangerous communicable infection and must be reported.

Feces are generally a taboo subject. This is probably because of the need to keep feces well away from food, for health reasons.

Coprophilia, also known as fecophilia, is a sexual attraction to feces. Coprophagia is the extremely hazardous practice of eating feces.

Coprophobia, also known as fecophobia, is a strong irrational fear of feces.

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