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Club Decadence

Male yoga teacher and tantrika, New Zealand-trained Registered Nurse, born 1963 (Sagittarian). Loves exploring all aspects of relationship, spirit and sexuality.

Currently single, living in London, and looking for fascinating interactions up to potentially long-term female companion, is 90% straight and polyamorous by nature and inclination, but desiring deep intimacy, and children!

Particularly compatible with other Switches, bisexual and possibly polyamorous women who are also interested in yoga, tantra, meditation, starting a family, organic living, personal growth, radical politics, self-sufficiency, sexual explorations of all sorts especially role playing, medical, historical fantasies etc...and possibly living in NZ too...

Sw This user likes to switch.

S This user is straight.

Wipi.png This user is proud to be a Wipipedian.

Recently added to article on Enemas [[1]], particularly curious about the psychosexual aspects of sexual deviations (has anyone ever come across - excuse the pun - "Erotic Fantasies - A Study of the Human Sexual Imagination" I think it's called by Drs Phyllis + Eberhard Kronhausen? Like it even more than Nancy Friday's much more popular work, but they are interpreting from a similar angle of understanding and compassionate intrigue). Discussion welcomed from enthusiasts of both sexes!

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