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The LondonFetishScene Wipipedia is a free source of information about the fetish and BDSM lifestyle, maintained by the fetish community for the fetish community. Entirely written collaboratively by volunteers, anyone can create or edit articles about any area that they feel they have knowledge about or a valid contribution to make (editors must be logged in). The text content of Wipipedia is free, and released under a fairly non-restrictive copyright known as the GFDL. Some of the images, however, are copyright and used by permission of the copyright holders.



The encyclopaedia was begun in March 2005 by the creators of the London Fetish Scene website and is still hosted by them. It has 1,702 articles, including advice, stories, and descriptions of real-life experiences by Wipipedians. The Wipipedia attracts about 10,000 page views per day from around the world.

The name derives from a portmanteau of "whip" and "Wikipedia" (Wikipedia is the mainstream wiki encyclopedia). Pedants might suggest the name should be the LFS Wiki encyclopedia but the founders are into BDSM and like whips, so it was called the Wipipedia!


Content here is copied to other wikis, such as Wikipedia and Wikinfo, where it may or may not be amended. The "Wisdom Archive" also has text originating from Wipipedia.

Some of the original content in Wipipedia has been sourced from other wikis, including the large, generic but rather proscriptive Wikipedia. Where reference is made to more general topics, there are often links to either Wikipedia or Wikinfo. There are also links to other specialist encyclopaedias where relevant.

Your contribution

This is your opportunity to share your knowledge of the scene and to help enrich the lifestyle for us all.

If you read an article that you feel could be improved or has mistakes in it please feel free to make changes. Don't be shy about this: any mistakes you might make in grammar, format or spelling can be corrected; what is important is your contribution.

If you don't feel up to making changes to an article but nevertheless disagree with the way an article is laid out or you have queries with the content, every article has a discussion page where you can voice your opinions. Please do not copy copyrighted material into the Wipipedia - your own knowledge or relevant partial copies from other, copyable wiki sources are very welcome.

See also

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