Rope and knot terms

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Here is glossary of common '''Rope and Knot terms'''. This article is from the [ rope wiki]
; Bend: A knot that binds (bend) the ends of two ropes together.
; Bight: A rope folded back on itself to form a narrow loop.
; Binding: A knot that restricts object(s) by making multiple winds.
; Braid: The interweaving of multiple strands.
; Breaking Stength: The manufacturer's estimation of the load a rope (on new rope without knots or kinks)will bear before it ruptures.
; Capsize: A knot that distorts while under strain.
; Chafe: Wear caused by abrassion.
; Coil: Rope looped into a series of neat circles for storage.
; Cordage: A general term to cover all sorts and sizes of rope.
; Coxcombing: A continuous set of hitches of one or more strands to cover an object.
; Crossing Turn: A circle of rope made with the rope crossing itself.
; Decorative knot: A complex knot exhibiting repeating patterns often constructed around and enhancing an object.
; Eye: The hole inside a circle of rope; A permanent loop made in the end of a rope.
; Fibre: The smallest threadlike component or cordage.
; Frapping Turns: Additional turns made at right angles in lashings, whippings and seizings to tighten the main turns.
; Fray: Unravelled, usually referring to the end of a rope.
; Grommet: A continuous circle of rope. Also known as a sling.
; Half Hitch: A crossing turn, often made round an object. The crossing holds the lower part in place.
; Hitch: A knot that fastens a rope to an object.
; Jam: When a knot cannot be untied readily.
; Karabiner: An oval or D shaped snap link usually with a screw lock used by climbers and industrial riggers.
; Kernmantle: Climbing rope construction consisting of a core (kern) , often of parallel bunches of fibres contained within a tightly woven protective sheath (mantle).
; Kink: A tight turn in a rope that can form during use. Can damage rope fibres.
; Knot: The generic word for all rope and cordage tucks and ties.
; Laid Rope: Rope made by twisting.
; Lashing: A knot used to hold (usually) poles together.
; Lay: The direction of the twist in the rope away from the viewer, either clockwise (righthanded, Z laid) or anticlockwise (lefthanded, S laid). 
; Line: Another word for rope, but generally small cordage of less than half an inch (12.5mm)in diameter.
; Loop: A knot used to create a closed circle in a line.
; MFP: Multi Filament Polypropylene
; Middle: Used as a verb, to double a rope or cord to locate the centre.
; Monofilament: Continuous synthetic fibre of uniform diameter and circular cross-section of larger than 50 microns (1/500 inch).
; Multifilament: Very fine continuous synthetic fibre of uniform diameter and circular cross-section of smaller than 50 microns (1/500 inch).
; Natural Fibre: Processed plant products used to make rope and other cordage. Can include Cotton, Flax, Hemp, Jute, Manilla, Sisal and Silk.
; Noose: A slipped loop that is closed by pulling on the standing part.
; Nylon: The first synthetic (manmade) fibre available to the cordage industry.
; Overhand Loop: A loop in which the working end is laid over the top of the standing part.
; Plait: A number of lines interwoven in a simple regular pattern.
; Polyester: A widely used synthetic cordage. (trade names Dacron and Terylene)
; Polyethylene: A polyolefin synthetic fibre. (Polythene / Plastic)
; Polypropylene: A versatile polyolefin synthetic fibre.
; Rope Splice: A knot formed by interweaving strands of rope rather than whole lines. More time consuming but usually stronger than simple knots.
; Round Turn: When a rope is wrapped around an object so that it passes the back of the object twice.
; Running end: Also called the working end, refers to the tip of the rope forming a knot.
; Safe Working Load: The estimated load a rope may withstand, taking into account various weakening factors (wear and tear, damage, effect of knots, and other uses) it may be as little as 1/7th the quoted breaking strength.
; Seize: To join two ropes or parts of ropes together with a binding of small cordage.
; Sennit: A number of lines interwoven in a complex pattern.
; Sheath: The woven cover of a Braided rope.
; Shock Loading: Placing sudden tempory strain on a slack rope.
; Slip knot: A knot tied with a hitch around one of its parts, contrasted. with a loop, which is closed with a bend.  A slip knot can be closed, a loop remains the same size. 
; Sling: A continuous circle of rope or tape either premade or made by joining the ends of a short piece of rope with a fisherman's knot or water knot.
; Snug: To take the slack out of a knot and tighten it.
; Standing End: Any part of the rope that is not the running end that is not being used to form a knot.
; Splice: To fasten a rope to itself by interweaving the strands.
; Standing part: The part of the rope not immediately being used in the tying of a knot.
; Stopper knot: A knot tied to hold a line through a hole.
; Strain: Also called tension.
; Strand: A small single cord, or the largest component of a rope.
; Strength: The amount of strain or tension that a rope can safely handle, or the amount it can take before breaking.
; Stretch: The property of rope to become longer under strain.
; Synthetic Rope: Cordage that is made from synthetic monofilaments, multifilaments, staple fibres or split film.
; Thimble: A plastic or metal lining for an eye.
; Trick: A knot that is used as part of a magic trick, a joke, or a puzzle.
; Tuck: To pass one part of a rope under another.
; Turn: A 360 degree wrap of rope around an object.
; Twine: Small softly twisted cordage of less than an eighth of an inch in diameter.
; Underhand Loop: A loop in which the working end is laid beneath the standing part.
; Unlay: The act of untwisting or taking apart the strands of a rope.
; Whipping: A permanent finish to the end of a piece of rope made with very fine twine.
; Working End: The end of the rope used during the tying of the knot.
; Yarn: Natural or Synthetic fibres twisted together as thread.
==See Also==
* [[Rope]]
* [[Knot]]s
[[Category: Bondage]]

Revision as of 18:28, 21 February 2007

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