Dungeons for hire
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Dungeons for hire: This article contains a list of dungeons that can be hired to indivuals, couples, or groups:
When adding dungeons to this list, please try to keep them in alphabetical order.
UK Dungeons
- BarnetBastille, Barnet London www.barnetbastille.com
- Blue Door Dungeon, Islington London www.bluedoordungeon.co.uk
- The Croppery (Hastings) www.thecroppery.co.uk
- Demonic's Dungeon (North Kent) http://www.demonicsdungeon.com
- Ess and Emm (Warwickshire) http://www.essandemm.com
- The Fetish Studio (Berkshire) http://www.ukdungeonhire.co.uk
- London Dungeon Hire (London) http://www.londondungeonhire.co.uk
- SecretDungeon, High Wycombewww.thesecretdungeon.co.uk/
- Underworld Birmingham (Birmingham) http://www.underworldbirmingham.co.uk
Dungeons hire scams
- The Dungeon Paradise (London) www.thedungeonparadise.co.uk appears to be a scam designed to steal money from people attempting to rent a non-existent dungeon; beware!
European Dungeons
- www.frenchdungeon.com Dungeon B&B in Northen France
- Other World Kingdom (OWK) was a large commercial BDSM facility and resort located in the Czech Republic.
Canadian Dungeons
- The Society of Bastet, Halifax, Nova Scotia www.societyofbastet.com,