Talk:Beach volleyball

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Club Decadence

1) Should be some explanation of BDSM relevance.
2) Do we really need four very similar bum pics in a row? AnonMoos 23:17, 28 January 2012 (UTC)

P.S. If you're interested in that kind of thing, official specifications about how women's beach volleyball bikinis are not allowed to cover more than a certain area of the body made the news around the time of the Athens Olympics, and can probably be downloaded somewhere... AnonMoos 23:23, 28 January 2012 (UTC)

Since when do articles here need to be "of BDSM relevance"? It says clearly on the main page that "Wipipedia is a (sic) on-line encyclopaedia of all things fetish and SM". There are many articles about clothing with no BDSM references. If you think there are too many photos, fair enough, that can be adjusted. I just took everything I could find on Wikimedia Commons that seemed suitable.--Markova 08:22, 29 January 2012 (UTC)

The four "bum pics" were all taken by the same person at the same event. He must have some sort of fetish. Anyway, two photos are ample for such a short article.--Ropeuser 13:15, 29 January 2012 (UTC)
Markova -- There's some truth to what you say, but this is not a bikini babes admiration site as such, and adding in additional quantity of content which is somewhat duplicative or more of the same (as opposed to providing information about new aspects of a subject) does not always serve the purposes of Wipipedia... AnonMoos 08:33, 31 January 2012 (UTC)
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