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Gene Bilbrew (1923 - 1974) was an African-American fetish artist notably employed at Irving Klaw's Movie Star News/Nutrix company. He also had many illustrations published in "Exotique" magazine between 1956 and 1959. He drew under a range of pseudonyms, including ENEG, Van Rod and Bondy.

Gene signed thousands of pieces of art as “Eneg” (Gene spelled backwards). His art was probably first published in the 1940s. He certainly published in 1953 in association with Irving Klaw.

Gene made his debut in the Los Angeles Sentinel with the series 'The Bronze Bomber', together with Bill Alexander. After this, he made the series 'Hercules' in Health Magazine. He then became an assistant to Will Eisner on 'The Spirit'.

Gene produced a tremendous quantity of work for Irving Klaw and later publishers, such as Lenny Burtman. Bilbrew met Eric Stanton while both were students at The School of Visual Arts in NYC. Here Bilbrew studied under Burne Hogarth, creator of the famous Tarzan comic strip. It was via Stanton that Bilbrew met and came to work for Klaw in 1951.

He largely set the standard that other fetish comics illustrators followed. As with many of the Movie Star News artists (Jim, Ruiz), the strips from the period he is best known for are few and far between, scattered among the hidden collections of his fans, as few of the originals have survived. He also drew for Fantasia, Exotique and Nutrix, and did forced-feminization art for the latter, although his bondage work is best remembered.

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