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Clinically used, ephebophilia is the exclusive sexual preference of an adult for post-pubescent adolescents. It is often used as meaning the sexual attraction to post-pubescent adolescents, not necessarily exclusive.

It is distinct from the attraction to children (defined as pre-pubescent people), which is pedophilia. It is also sometimes confused with, or wrongly inclusive of, Hebephilia, which is the sexual attraction to people going through puberty.

What defines an adolescent, and therefore what defines an ephebophilic relationship, varies between jurisdictions, and along with that, the legality of ephebophilia.

Attraction to adolescents is not generally regarded by psychologists as pathological except when it interferes with other relationships, becomes an obsession which adversely affects other areas of life, or causes distress to the subject.

Sexual desire that includes adolescents, as well as older individuals, is common among adults of all sexual orientations and is not labelled ephebophilia because the attraction to adolescents is not exclusive. In some cultures, such as those in which adolescent girls are routinely married to older men, it is considered normal for adults to include adolescents among their sexual interests.

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This article on "Ephebophilia" incorporates text from Anarchopedia.
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