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Adipophilia or Fat Fetishism is the strong or exclusive sexual attraction to overweight or obese people. As well as traditional attraction, the topic also incorporates feederism and gaining, where sexual gratification is obtained via the process of gaining body fat. Fat fetishism also incorporates stuffing (bloating), inflation, and padding, whereas the focus of arousal is on the sensations and properties of a real or simulated growth or expansion.



Specific Fetishes

Fat Admiration

Though sometimes considered a sexual preference, within the context of sexual fetishism, Fat Admiration or Chubby-Chasing describes sexual relationships where both members obtain gratification from being and or being with an overweight or obese partner. This fetish is characterized by the use of terms and abbreviations to describe different roles amongst members of the community. These include BBW, BHM, Chub, FA, FFA, and Chaser (which are explained below).


Padding refers to the practice of padding or layering clothing in such a way that it simulates a distended abdomen, for the purposes of arousal, and is often used as a form of experimentation with increased size, but can also be a form of role-play.


Inflation refers to the practice of inflating (typically with air or liquid), until the abdomen is distended, in such a way that it simulates a stuffing or bloating, but without food.


Stuffing or bloating refers to the practice of eating until the abdomen is distended. The act of stuffing can cause arousal, perhaps due to the pressure within the body upon the sexual organs. Also, as the swollen belly can mimic pregnancy, which is arousing to maiesiophiles.


Gaining refers to the relationship between gainers and encouragers, where one or both members engage in activities designed to promote the gaining of body fat. Often considered synonymous with feederism, the term is used more primarily in the gay male nomenclature, but is not exclusive to gay males in practice. Categorically, gaining differs from feeding in the way weight gain is approached. For some, gaining focuses on being encouraged, while for others gaining is done individually - sometimes both.


Feederism describes sexual relationships where both members obtain gratification from the gaining of body fat. Feederism refers to the acts of feeding, encouraging eating, or being served large quantities of food. Sexual pleasure is derived from the act of eating itself, and/or from the process of becoming fatter. Pleasure may be derived from specific changes to specific areas of the body.


Immobility refers to the state in which someone has either given up walking and exercise in order to gain more weight quicker, usually by sitting in the same place without moving for days, weeks or months and eating nonstop, or where a feedee, foodee or gainer (sometimes even people outside of the FA community, with eating disorders) becomes so weighted down by their belly, breasts, legs and sometimes even their bottom that movement is either impossible or impractical (such as extreme slowness or getting stuck in door frames).


Several terms refer to the roles adopted within the culture:

BBW (Big Beautiful Woman)
An overweight woman who identifies as a BBW. Not all fat women identify as BBWs or want to be referred to as such.
SSBBW (Super-Sized Big Beautiful Woman)
An obese woman, typically much larger than a BBW.
BBBW - (Big Beautiful Black Woman)
An overweight black woman(also SSBBBW).
BBT or BBTeen
A fat female or male teenager.
BHM (Big Handsome Man)
An overweight man.
SSBHM (Super-Sized Big Handsome Man)
An obese man, typically much larger than a BHM.
FA (Fat Admirer)
A person who has a preference for fat partners. Typically used to refer to male fat admirers.
FFA (Female Fat Admirer)
A female person who has a preference for fat partners.
An overweight gay man.
An obese gay man.
A man who is of smaller body size and/or stature who is sexually or romantically attracted to chubs or bears.
A person who fantasizes about bloating or stuffing, or enjoys the sensation of bloating of stuffing for sexual pleasure.
A person who fantasizes about inflation, or enjoys the sensation of inflation for sexual pleasure.
A person who derives pleasure from padding or layering clothing, or enjoys the apparent sensation of a simulated increase in size.
A person who fantasizes about becoming fat, or who gains weight for sexual pleasure.
A person who derives pleasure from encouraging or persuading a gainer to become fatter.
A person who is sympathetic to the gaining community or has ceased gaining.
A person who fantasizes about being fed, or being fed for sexual pleasure.
A person who derives pleasure from feeding or feeds for sexual pleasure.
A person who fantasizes about eating, or enjoys eating for sexual pleasure.

New Terminology

FBW (Fat Body Worship)
A term to describe the consensual glorification of the adipose physical form.
GRP (Growth Role-Play)
A term to describe inflation, bloating, stuffing, padding, and vore in a single category.
EWG (Erotic Weight Gain)
A term to describe gaining, encouragement, and feederism in a single category.
BBP (Big Beautiful Person/People)
An overweight person of any sexual preference or gender identity.
SSBP (Super-Sized Big Beautiful Person/People)
An obese person of any sexual preference or gender identity.
BAT (Big Attractive Transperson)
An overweight person who identifies as either transgender, or has a alternative gender identity.
SSBAT (Super-Sized Big Attractive Transperson)
An obese person who identifies as either transgender, or has a alternative gender identity.

Relation to Fat Admiration

Some people consider Fat Admiration to be fetishistic, while others feel that their attraction to bigger people is at most a strong preference, but not a fetish. Much in the same way, Bears and Chubs often share similar sentiments.

Relation to The Fat Acceptance Movement

Some people involved in the fat acceptance movement argue that fat fetishism undermines social movements towards fat acceptance, through counter-productive objectification and dehumanization of fat people. They argue that often, fat fetishists (specifically feeders) derive sexual pleasure from increasing immobility, disability, or helplessness in the fat person through weight gain. Some people take issue with the coercion which is sometimes involved in fat fetishism.

See also

External links

Fat Fetishism Websites

Male Oriented Websites

FetLife Groups

(require an account at FetLife)

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