List of paraphilias

Paraphilia, sexual deviation (in Greek para παρά = besides and '-philia' φιλία = love) - in psychology and sexology, is a term that describes a family of philias that reference sexual arousal in response to sexual objects or situations which may interfere with the capacity for reciprocal affectionate sexual activity. Paraphilia is also used to imply non-mainstream sexual practices without necessarily implying dysfunction or deviance. Also, it may describe sexual feelings toward otherwise non-sexual objects. As the -philias within it have derived nouns, the noun derived which could be used to describe the collection of persons with paraphilias would be paraphile. However, psychologists generally use parasexual
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History of the term
Although its coinage is often attributed to sexologist John Money, the term was coined by Croatian Jewish sexologist Friedrich Salomon Krauss during the 19th century, first popularized by Viennese psychotherapist Wilhelm Stekel (in his book Sexual Aberrations) in 1925, from the Greek para- (beside) + philos (loving), and first used in English in Stekel's translated works. It was not in widespread use until the 1950s, and was first used in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" (DSM) in 1980. It was used by Sigmund Freud as well
Clinically recognized paraphilias
Clinical literature discusses eight major paraphilias individually. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the activity must be the sole means of sexual gratification for a period of six (6) months, and cause "marked distress or interpersonal difficulty" to be considered such. In the clinical sense, many professionals and lay people prefer the term "disorders of sexual preference".
Note that since the DSM is a set of guidelines constructed by a committee of experts, it only represents reliable diagnoses, not necessarily valid ones.
This following list is a combined list of Paraphilias and Fetishes.
List of Fetishes & Paraphilias
This list is a combined list of Paraphilias and Fetishes.
- Abasiophilia
- love of (or sexual attraction to) people who use leg braces or other orthopaedic appliances
- Acousticophilia
- sexual arousal from certain sounds
- Acrotomophilia (Amputee fetishism)
- love of (or sexual attraction to) amputation or amputees (Greek akron, an extremity and tomos, a cut)
- Agalmatophilia (Statuephilia)
- sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility
- Algolagnia
- sexual pleasure from pain
- Amaurophilia
- sexual arousal by a partner whom one is unable to see due to artificial means, such as being blindfolded or having sex in total darkness. (See: sensory deprivation)
- Andromimetophilia
- love of women dressed as men
- Apodysophilia
- desire to undress; see also Nudism, Exhibitionism
- Apotemnophilia
- desire to have (or sexual arousal from having) a healthy appendage (limb, digit, or male genitals) amputated
- Aquaphilia
- arousal from water and/or in watery environments, including bathtubs or swimming pools
- Aretifism
- sexual attraction to people who are without footwear, in contrast to retifism
- Asphyxiophilia
- sexual attraction to asphyxia; also called breath control play; including Erotic asphyxiation
- Autogynephilia
- a man's love of himself as a woman
- Biastophilia
- sexual pleasure from committing rape
- Breast expansion
- is a sexual fetish characterized by females whose breasts enlarge, either gradually or suddenly, sometimes to gargantuan proportions
- Capnolagnia
- Smoking Fetish
- Celebriphilia
- pathological desire to have sex with a celebrity.
- Chronophilias such as Infantophilia
- The sexual attraction to infants, Pedophilia: the sexual attraction to prepubescent children,
- Coprophilia
- sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces
- Crush fetish
- sexual arousal from seeing small creatures being crushed by members of the opposite sex, or being crushed oneself
- Dacryphilia
- sexual pleasure in eliciting tears from others or oneself
- Diaper fetishism
- sexual arousal from diapers
- Emetophilia
- (a.k.a. vomerophilia): sexual attraction to vomit
- Ephebophilia
- (a.k.a. hebephilia): sexual attraction towards adolescents
- Eproctophilia
- sexual attraction to flatulence
- Exhibitionism
- sexual arousal through sexual behavior in view of third parties (also includes the recurrent urge or behavior to expose one's genitals to an unsuspecting person, known as indecent exposure)
- Faunoiphilia
- sexual arousal from watching animals mate
- Fetishism
- is the use of non-sexual or nonliving objects or part of a person's body to gain sexual excitement. Examples include:
- Balloon fetishism
- Breast fetishism
- Foot fetishism (podophilia)
- Dental braces fetishism
- Fur fetishism
- Leather fetishism
- Lipstick fetishism
- Medical fetishism
- Panty fetishism
- robot fetishism
- rubber fetishism
- shoe fetishism
- Smoking fetish
- Spandex fetishism
- Frotteurism
- sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person
- Erotic Lactation | Galactophilia
- sexual attraction to human milk or lactating women (incorrect term)
- Gerontophilia
- sexual attraction towards the elderly
- Haematolagnia
- sexual attraction to blood
- Haematophilia
- sexual attraction involving blood (either on a sex partner/attractive person or the liquid itself; (not to be confused with haemophilia, a genetic disorder of the blood)
- Harpaxophilia
- sexual arousal from being the victim of a robbery or burglary
- Hybristophilia
- sexual arousal to people who have committed crimes, in particular cruel or outrageous crimes
- Hypodermoclysis
- the subcutaneous infusion of fluids, usually to breasts, scrotum or penis
- Infantilism
- sexual pleasure from dressing, acting, or being treated as a baby
- Inflatophilia
- Inflatophilia is the strong attraction to and/or love of inflatable objects or the inflation of one's own body
- Katoptronophilia
- sexual arousal from having sex in front of mirrors.
- Klismaphilia
- sexual pleasure from enemas
- Knismolagnia
- Tickling fetish
- Lust murder
- sexual arousal through committing murder
- Macrophilia
- sexual attraction to larger people and large things (including larger body organs such as breasts and genitalia)
- Maiesiophilia
- sexual attraction to childbirth or pregnant women
- Masochism
- is the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer
- Microphilia
- sexual attraction to smaller people and things of smaller size
- Mysophilia
- sexual attraction to soiled, dirty, foul or decaying material
- Necrophilia
- sexual attraction to corpses
- Necrozoophilia
- sexual attraction to the corpses or killings of animals (also known as necrobestiality)
- Nepiophilia
- the same as infantophilia sexual attraction to children between the age of 0 - 3 yrs.
- Partialism
- Refers to fetishes specifically involving nonsexual parts of the body.
- Pedophilia
- sexual attraction to prepubescent children (British spelling: paedophilia)
- Phalloorchoalgolagnia
- sexual arousal by the experiencing of painful stimuli being administered to the male genitals.
- Pictophilia
- sexual attraction to pictorial pornography/erotic art
- Plushophilia
- sexual attraction to stuffed toys or people in animal costume, such as theme park characters
- Pyrophilia
- sexual arousal through watching, setting, hearing/talking/fantasizing about fire
- Retifism
- sexual arousal from shoes
- Sadism
- The recurrent urge or behavior involving acts in which the pain or humiliation of the victim is sexually exciting.
- Schediaphilia (aka Toonophilia)
- love (or sexual arousal) to cartoon characters/situations
- Sitophilia
- sexual arousal from food
- Somnophilia
- sexual arousal from sleeping or unconscious people
- Spectrophilia
- sexual attraction to ghosts
- Statuephilia
- Sexual attraction to mannequins, statues, dolls
- Teleiophilia
- The sexual attraction of children to adults.
- Telephone scatologia
- being sexually aroused by making obscene telephone calls
- Teratophilia
- sexual attraction to deformed or monstrous people
- Transformation fetish
- sexual arousal from depictions of transformations of people into objects or other beings
- Transvestic fetishism
- is a sexual attraction towards the clothing of the opposite gender (also known as transvestism)
- Trichophilia
- love (or sexual arousal) from hair
- Urolagnia
- sexual attraction to urine
- Vorarephilia
- sexual attraction to being eaten by, and/or eating, another person or creature
- Voyeurism
- sexual arousal through watching others having sex (also includes the recurrent urge or behaviour to observe an unsuspecting person who is naked, disrobing or engaging in sexual activities)
- Xenophilia
- sexual attraction to foreigners (in science fiction, can also mean sexual attraction to aliens)
- Zoophilia
- emotional or sexual attraction to animals
- Zoosadism
- the sexual enjoyment of causing pain and suffering to animals
- Note --
- Sadism and masochism are often grouped together, under sadomasochism, or (as a lifestyle interest) BDSM. See also bondage, discipline and algolagnia.
See also
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