
A munch is an informal meeting of people interested in BDSM or other fetishes. It offers an opportunity to meet like-minded people, talk, find out about good clubs or fetish shops, pass on advice or generally network. For many, it is their first foray into the scene. Most munches take place in pubs or similar "ordinary" venues. They are almost always "vanilla" - i.e. ordinary clothes and no play.
The first munch held in the UK was on Sunday July 3rd, 1994, in London.
The term munch is also used by the "swinging" community, so if you are unsure of what type of munch is being promoted, it is worth confirming.
Finding a munch
You can find out about munches near you by looking online. Some resources are:
- Munch FAQ
- How to set up a munch
- List of munches on Wipipedia
Personal Experiences
Do you have personal experience of a munch, or munches in general? Share them and read them at Munches: Personal Experiences