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ZDR Shiny Kinky People

A paederast is one who does a catamite, basically a paedophile. Putting your dick into your own ass or own mouth is essentially impossible. (Unsigned comment by User:MineShaft)

The article does say that it is not clear whether this is possible. I think it's extremely unlikely, but no doubt it's some people's fantasy. It's like a perfect reverse prayer position with elbows touching - I'd love to do it to someone, but I don't believe it can be done.--Taxwoman 20:21, 31 March 2007 (BST)
The dictionary definition I've just looked at says that a pederast is " a man who has sex (usually sodomy) with a boy as the passive partner" and pederasty as "sexual relations between a man and a boy (usually anal intercourse with the boy as a passive partner)." Whether it is possible for any man to put his dick in his own ass is irrelevant (I'm sure that among the billions of people on Earth, there is someone who can do it) - it would not be pederasty. "Autopederasty" is not in any dictionary I've looked in, which makes me suspect that Brenda Love was in a hurry to come up wtih 750 sexual practices for her book and simply invented this word and definition. That said, a search on autopederasty on the Internet has just returned 1,490 results and this definition seems to be match what other sites have. Perhaps we should explain here that this term is mis-named and never possible by definition and point to an article called "Autosodomy"? --Interesdom 09:15, 2 April 2007 (BST)

Sounds fair enough. Actually, autopederasty gets 139 unique Google refs (keep going to next page till you hit the end) and autosodomy gets 94 unique Google refs, including of course a Wikipedia article.--Taxwoman 16:35, 2 April 2007 (BST)

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