Talk:Chastity belt

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Club Decadence

The article was copied from Wikipedia, ideally this should be edited to make it more releevant to the UK scene and to the BDSM community as a whole. -- 12:20, 17 March 2005 Balzac

Reliability of chastity belts

I did not see any chastity belt from close proximity, but I wonder if they are effective at all? I mean that a jet of water must be able to exit, and then it can enter too, and stimulate. Even if there's a bend, a flexible tube could be used. Or the tube could be inserted under the edge. Or am I wrong somewhere? -- 15:18, 4 December 2006 Gggggg

Depends on "reliable" for what purpose. Traditional chastity belts were meant to keep a woman from having vaginal sex with any men, or to keep an adolescent male from having wet dreams. Keeping women from having any orgasms wasn't very important until relatively recently, and I don't know that it's generally the main goal even now. For that matter, women can sometimes have orgasms with all their clothes on... -- AnonMoos 23:47, 4 December 2006 (UTC)
In BDSM relationships wearing a chastity belt is a consentual thing, motivations differ from person to person but for many people it is about giving up control of an aspect of themselves to another. The absolute security of the device is much less important thna the symbolism involved in wearing it. Balzac 10:08, 5 December 2006 (UTC)
Oh yes, it's symbolic at some point. My opinion already was that it's perfect for BDSM couples, also because it poses a very high risk of humiliation. With a sumbissive soul, there is no problem. But there are people who want to truly prevent their partner from masturbation. For example, see this link:
What I tried to point out is that IMHO some people spend their money, then think they were smart, but are in fact fooled. -- 20:06, 5 December 2006 Gggggg
Preventing male masturbation is actually easier than preventing female masturbation (which is why I assumed you were asking about female above). With some devices, you might be able to get something to come out of the tip of of the penis, but I wonder how satisfying the experience would be if it were kept pointing down and/or kept from expanding beyond a certain point. For the truly cruel, see Kali's teeth bracelet. You would probably get more detailed technical information at a site specifically devoted to chastity belts. AnonMoos 20:11, 12 December 2006 (UTC)

Chastity cage

Wikipedia has an article called Chastity cage which is currently up for deletion. Could someone who knows about these things either incorporate that into this page, or perhaps create separate pages in Wipipedia for male and female chastity devices? (I have a copy of the Wikipedia article - so e-mail me if you need it.) --Interesdom 11:47, 17 April 2008 (BST)

Also Wikipedia:Kali's teeth bracelet ... AnonMoos 23:51, 21 April 2008 (BST)
As in Kali's teeth bracelet?  :-) --Interesdom 08:39, 22 April 2008 (BST)

Pseudo-neutrality in article text

It could be true that there are a few basic overall commonalities in the psychological effects of chastity-belt wearing on both men and women -- but men's experiences and women's experiences actually seem to differ quite a bit in detail, and the use of generic language and "s/he" to cover both sexes in the article text doesn't seem to be very useful. What it's actually mainly doing is generalizing the experience of men to cover women also -- which means that it has to be very vague to avoid creating problems of inaccuracy. It would be more satisfactory to discuss the typical effects on men and on women separately. AnonMoos 11:16, 2 January 2011 (UTC)

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