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Club Decadence

The art book publisher Taschen has been a noteworthy force in getting lesser-seen art, including some fetishistic imagery, available to the mainstream, by publishing the works of the appropriate artists (e.g. fetish photographers) alongside its mainstream output of books of photographs of art, design and architecture.

Their publications are available in a variety of sizes, from large tomes detailing the complete works of Leonardo Da Vinci, to surprisingly uncommon middle-sized books, to their small, softcover paperbacks which encapsulate themes of everything from old ads of Las Vegas to male nudes. The company has also recently begun making calendars of various images.

The smaller books have several new themes coming out each year and are very popular, retailing for about $10, considered inexpensive for published collections of art.

Taschen also has published the most expensive book in publishing history, GOAT, a tribute to Muhammed Ali, as well as the most expensive book of the 20th Century, Helmut Newton's SUMO.

The company was founded by Benedikt Taschen, who started out with his Taschen Comics shop in Cologne, Germany in 1980.

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