List of Chastity Belts - Female

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Club Decadence

This article provides a summary of the different female chastity devices currently on the market. Manufacturers can freely add to this list. All enties should include the name of the device and a link to the website, a brief description, and a single photograph.

Product Name Description Image

Tollyboy is the oldest established manufacturer of chastity belts; the company started trading in 1956. They produce both male and female versions and are based on the traditional belted design with a lockable belt going around the waist and a second steel strap passing between the legs.

From the manufacturer's website: This is the basic female model, following a traditional Florentine style consisting of a waist band (1.25 wide and 0.64 thick) with an attached crotch guard which is closed and locked at the centre of the waist. Manufactured from medical grade (316)stainless steel, it is flexible enough to allow it to be sprung open or closed without the need for hinges, resulting in a very smooth profile. Tollyboy's locking system secures the waist band and crotch guard in one smooth joint, ensuring that the crotch guard remains vertical without any side to side swivel (a weakness in many competing designs).

The crotch guard is shaped and contoured to fit the genital area and stops just short of the anus, where it terminates in two flat-section chrome steel chains. To permit defecation these form a 'Y' configuration going over the buttocks to the waist band, where they are riveted. The labia lips protrude through a narrow longitudinal slot, stopping penetration with anything of a useful diameter. No matter what bodily contortions are indulged in, the guard will remain firmly in place! The appliance is designed to prevent sexual intercourse and to this end it is 100% effective

Tollboy FGA 200 female chastity device
Locked In Steel

These belts are coated with plasticol (PVC) for added comfort and hygiene. FREE measurement confirmation kits, silicone lining standard, as well as a single piece laser cut construction make this belt of high quality.
Locked in Steel female chastity device

Neosteel produce both male, female, and shemale versions of the traditional belted design, a lockable belt goes around the waist and a second steel strap passing between the legs. Their traditional design is most similar to that of the Tollyboy system offering both flat belt (shown) and curved belt versions. They also sell a system design where the buyer can customise the belt to their own needs. As well as the basic chastity device they also offer an extensive range of addons for bondage, external strap-ons, internal plugs/dildos, electrics etc. They also sell a chastity measurement kit which allows the buyer to take their own measurements and be confident that they are ordering the correct size of belt.

Neosteel is a German company with a dual language website and on-line store.

Neosteel female chastity device
Carrara Designs


Carrara Designs produce both male and female versions and are based on the traditional belted design with a lockable belt going around the waist and a second steel strap passing between the legs.

Carrara Designs female chastity device
La Ceinture De Chastete

La Ceinture De Chastete is a US company producing a range of traditional belted designs for both male and female.

From the manufacturer's website: The Traditional Style William Jones Female Chastity belt is constructed with the same high quality materials as the classic style female chastity belt, except this belt has stainless steel straps on the rear of the belt instead of double wide chains. The traditional style William Jones female chastity belt also features a secondary front shield and rear shield with plug slot combination. The Secondary front and rear shield combination is lockable and removable without having to remove the whole belt. This belt as all our chastity belts is very durable and built to last a lifetime. The belt features a stainless steel waist band and front shield and stainless steel rear straps for comfort. The belt has neoprene linings around the waist band, front shield and rear straps for added comfort and durability. On the very top of the front shield is a high strength black lining to protect the front shield from getting scratched by the lock over time. This Traditional Style William Jones Chastity Belt Features a stainless steel locking barrel that encase the brass lock to prevent the lock from being cut off or tampered with. The belt also features a front vaginal plug slot, in addition to the rear plug slot. The "D" Rings that are shown in the pictures of this belt in the pictures below are not included in the price of the belt but can be added. Please see the accessories page for pricing. When ordering this belt please download the female chastity belt measurement sheet and a order form.

La Ceinture De Chastete female chastity device

My-Steel is a German company producing a range of traditional belted designs for both male and female.

From the manufacturer's website: The chastity belt SRAIGHTline looks like very straight and has a clean line.

As well as any other chastity belts of MY-STEEL hat this model a uniquely flat locksystem, too. This system connect the the waist belt with the crotch belt and clotures the chastity belt. The lock at the waist belt is individually adjustable, but the crotchband adjustment is not possible. So, it's discreet in everyday life – inconspicuous under clothing.

The wearer is locked in addition, by the precisely manufactured parts surely, has the possibility of adjusting weight fluctuations. The waist belt can be adjusted with simple handles in the opened condition over up to 3 cm of far and/or up to 3 cm more closely.

My-Steel female chastity device
Reinholds Protective Underwear

Reinholds is a German company producing a range of original belted designs for both males and females. Unlike nearly all other designers, they construct their belts out of glass-fibre and carbon-fibre bonded into high-grade Sicomin-epoxy composite. Belts are custom made to the wearer which requires a visit to their workshops in Germany.

From the manufacturer's website: Compared to crude medieval chastity belts, this modern Protective Underwear is superior in comfort, body compatibility and design. With an easy firmness the slim strap nestles to to your hips taking control of you crotch. It will hardly constrict your body's agility. Even moderately narrow pants or skirts conceal it from scrutiny. Most sports will still be possible; customers reported about jogging, badminton, tennis, inline-skating, skiing as well as sit-ups and aerobics. Underwater bathing trunks are enough, to not attract attention. Each belt is an individually customized artwork, you'll be proud to show.

Reinholds Protective Underwear
Fancy Steel

Fancysteel is a relatively new Australian company.

See also

Personal tools
